Psychology Applications - CPS For Achievers

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Self and Others

    • Most problems at work involve consulting with or advising others. The CPS Self and Others Model shown here, can be very helpful in assessing how to proceed. It is valuable as a thinking tool to review your own requirements and those of others. For example, in discussions, where are the focus points? They can be on your problems, or the other persons, or both.

      When it comes to solutions, is the focus on the solution to your problems, or theirs or both?  In order to cover these options, it is important that you develop your skills, particularly in Enquiring and Summarizing as a basis for Diagnosing, and then come up with proposals and solutions, that you can co-ordinate.

    • Florence Nightingale

      An example is Florence Nightingale and her courageous work during the Crimean War. She took 38 nurses to tend and care for soldiers who were injured in battle. With limited medical supplies and little support from the doctors or the Army officers, Florence Nightingale and her nurses helped the soldiers. It was a mission of mercy in dreadful conditions. In the process, the nurses learned a great deal about themselves in terms of their motivation and determination. Florence Nightingale realized that she would need to collect and organize facts if she was to improve the soldier’s conditions. She subsequently wrote a number of books and articles that became foundation documents to guide improvements. But, it took a long time for other women to gain recognition for their contributions in helping others who were suffering from their battle wounds, both physically and in the mind.

    • Applications

      This model is a great framework for relationships psychology at work. You can use it to put forward questions like:

      • What do I need to understand about myself and others?

      • What do I need to explain in order to make relationships with others work more effectively?

      • Will improving my summary skills make relationships work more effectively?

      • What action should I implement to improve relationships with others?

      Having a checklist for your communication and problem solving is useful. This graph can provide a way in which you can develop questions and guidelines that are important to you.

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