Psychology Applications - CPS For Achievers

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The Psychology Factors - Summary

Innovators like Thomas Edison, Dr Elizabeth Blackwell, Albert Einstein and other proactive thinkers, combined both rational and emotional thinking to the resolution of problems. This resource will enable you to improve your approach in these areas.

How people perceive a problem and their ways of solving it, will influence the outcome. Likewise, the motivation and energy people have for solving problems will also have an effect on the issues. These are psychological factors. This section identifies a number of very important factors that you can take into account when tackling problems.

Psychological concepts provide a framework for thinking about the way you personally tackle problems, and the way others do so. For example, you may focus on the facts and logical analysis required. Another person may be driven by their beliefs and focus more on a political process for gaining support for a solution. The section on that called Idealists and Realists, can be useful if you wish to look at the factors involved. 

At the personal level, there will be times when you feel energetic and involved, and other times when you feel negative towards an idea or a proposal. Understanding why this can happen is important. Therefore, sections like the ones on Self and OthersEnergy and Apathy and Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction, can provide problem solving guidelines.

If we change our state of mind, we can change the way we solve problems. For example, have a look at the section on Hopes and Fears. Having a sound and realistic approach for each problem can be a great help. It can enable you to understand, explain, evaluate and implement systems and methods that can make you stronger. It should reflect itself in the way you do your job and live your life. Therefore, look at the Confidence and Competence section and also the one on Pessimism and Optimism.

If you are clear in your own mind about these factors, it will reflect itself in the way you think and the way you interact with others. Colleagues and clients will see that you are able to understand, explain the issues and deal with them. They will respect this in the total problem solving process. Therefore, in problem solving, focus on the psychological factors as well as the technical and other aspects.

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