Psychology Applications - CPS For Achievers

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Confidence and Competence

    • To paraphrase Mark Twain, the great American writer,

      "Ignorance combined with confidence will get you anywhere"

      That could be true when others are also lacking in knowledge, and anywhere will do as an objective. In the modern organization, you need both competence and confidence. One without the other rarely succeeds over a period of time.

      Sometimes, confidence leads to competence. For others, they need to have the competence and training to do a job, and they develop confidence as a result. The Communication and Problem Solving Model can improve both. It provides a strong foundation to help people look at all aspects of their job, and a framework for organized action.

    • Elvis Presley

      Confidence and Competence go hand in hand. A famous person who exemplified the link between these two is Elvis Presley. Elvis certainly had the competence as a leading performer; however, he suffered from confidence issues due to a speech impediment. He learned how to overcome this and went on to achieve enormous success. In this audio interview, we hear how being able to feel confident, despite this setback, enabled him to become a world famous entertainer.

    • Applications

      Look at your own levels of confidence and competence in both the technical skills related to your job, and also the skills required at a meeting. How do you rate them?

      This matrix can be used as a guide for consideration. Is your level of confidence high in all areas? What is your plan of action for those areas where you want to improve your levels of confidence and competence?

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