Psychology Applications - CPS For Achievers

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Perception and Judgement

    • All problem solving commences with perception. The problem may have been there for a long time, such as a tooth that needs attention. However, until we perceive some pain we may not go to the dentist. The same is true in our jobs and therefore, we need to be better at perceiving key issues that require attention. That is why in many organizations there are proactive, rather than reactive, efforts to tackle problems via planned maintenance work. Also, audits can have the same impact. Therefore, look at the indicators which enable you to perceive the problems that require attention.

      In our cars, we have a number of feedback mechanisms, such as the petrol gauge to alert us. We need similar feedback in our jobs and our relations with others. We require methods that help us perceive the reality. One of these is the CPS diamond model which alerts us of the need to enquire and diagnose, plus summarize before proposing and implementing.

    • Andrew Carnegie

      Not only was he a great business entrepreneur, Andrew Carnegie was also a very generous philanthropist. He credited much of his success to his judgement of people. As a result he supported a positive change in the lives of others through his generosity. Also in business, he entrusted much responsibility to his staff, delegating tasks as required. He knew that his confidence in key people would pay off. In this avatar video you can hear how he came to such judgements.

    • Applications

      Becoming aware of problems is however only half the issue. The way one responds to problems is a function of judgement. You may perceive problems with the way employees respond to clients.

      • Do you generalize and propose a solution, or do you search for more specific information by enquiring and being problem focused? That process is a judgement in itself. Do you decide if the matter is important, but not urgent, or both? That is also a judgement.

      • Making the decision on who to involve is a judgement. All such judgement is about moving from the discussion to the decision end of the diamond. Therefore, sound judgement usually based on experience, is a key to effectiveness in terms of how you use your time and money.

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