Psychology Applications - CPS For Achievers

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Left and Right

    • We all know which hand we prefer to write with and also which is our strongest leg when playing sport. However, which side of your brain is the strongest? Considerable research shows that you are likely to prefer logical sequential and systematic approaches if the left hand side of your brain has a strong influence over your behaviour. In contrast, if the right hand side of your brain works very well then you are likely to prefer a more intuitive and creative approach.

      Of course, we all use both sides of our brain to perceive and resolve problems. But, what is your assessment of the balance? Do you function; say 70/30 more left brain than right brain? Or, are you perhaps 60/40 more right brain orientated? Dr Roger Sperry was awarded a Nobel Prize in 1981, for his work on this aspect of psychology. He suggested that one’s language ability is controlled by the left-hand side of the brain and ideas were generated more from the right-hand side. However, many ideas are expressed in words. Recent research says that the two hemispheres of the brain work in concert, and that with effort and practice, your abilities can be improved.

    • Pablo Picasso

      Rather than categorize one person as an exemplar, it is important to understand the main forces in a person's life. Picasso, for example, searched for a wide variety of experiences to foster his creative art. In contrast, Henry Ford tried to simplify work, so that tasks could be repeated in order to gain efficiency and increased output per hour. This indicates different ways of thinking. But, no doubt, there were times when Picasso was working in a logical and efficient way and Henry Ford was working in a creative way. It all comes down to the overall balance. In this avatar video, Picasso talks about how the war affected his work and life, and also about how love and relationships influenced how he thought.

    • Applications

      Look at the range of activities that you do during a week that are based on your own choices. How many of them, in your view, follow what has been described as left brain thinking and how much follows right brain thinking?

      In particular, list the areas of activity that you intend to improve. That is the real test. Once you have done that, practice on a regular basis and you will see gradual improvements - provided you gain feedback and advice, rather than repeating errors.

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