Psychology Applications - CPS For Achievers

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Illusions and Delusions

    • An illusion is when you see something but do not understand how it happened. It looks real, but logic and experience tell you that what you see cannot be. A delusion is when you act on the assumption that something is true, when it is not. In effect, you can be deceived because you are not thinking correctly, or because someone deliberately deludes you by deceit or indeed by creating a delusion.

      Both illusion and delusion can, and do play, an important part in business. For example, Irving Janis the psychologist, showed that when teams make major mistakes, they are often under the illusion of invulnerability. That may come about because of previous success and the failure to see different evidence before them. Janis called this ‘Groupthink’, where people collude with each other to create an illusion that all is well, when it is not. Acts of delusion can then follow. Investigations of how mechanically sound jet-airplanes have crashed, killing many people, have shown that the crew were problem solving under a self-created delusion, rather than critiquing and questioning the evidence.

    • Harry Houdini

      How do we know that what we see is real? Harry Houdini became famous for creating illusions. In our work and life, we need to be careful to ensure that we are not deluded by the illusions that other people create. That is why it is always important to read the small print in legal contracts. Likewise, it is vital that we gain evidence when making important decisions. Therefore, beware of those who want to delude you by creating illusions.

      “My professional life has been a constant record of disillusion, and many things that seem wonderful to most men, are the every-day commonplaces of my business” – Harry Houdini.

    • Applications

      Look closely at your own work in communication and problem solving. Ask yourself if you have been in this position before.

      How do you work as part of a team, in relation to identifying what is an illusion or a delusion? The following matrix can assist. In terms of the five key skills, work out your own place in this matrix.

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