Psychology Applications - CPS For Achievers

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Margerison CPS Model

The Margerison Communication and Problem Solving (CPS) Model

There are five big skills that recur, and are vital for high level performance. These skills are essential to understanding, explaining, evaluating and implementing. They form the foundation for Communication and Problem Solving at the professional and personal levels at work.  

These skills are:

People who make positive contributions to team problem solving are strong on perceiving what needs to be said and done at each stage of a project. Having the technical skills to do the job is one thing, but having the ability to communicate and problem solve is the added value that everyone needs. This resource provides the vital psychological insights and factors that will enable to you improve your contributions. Using these in conjunction with the five major skills outlined in the Margerison Communication and Problem Solving Model, will enable you to be more effective. You will grow in confidence and people will appreciate how you help them and the team to succeed more and improve performance.

The Margerison Communication and Problem Solving Resource is available at and is highly recommended as a pre-requisite to studying the 'Psychology of CPS'.

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