Psychology Applications - CPS For Achievers

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Denial and Recognition

    • The terms denial and recognition have become increasingly important in problem solving. For example, a person or group are said to be in denial when they refuse to recognize a problem exists. This state of mind is often associated with people who are told that they have a serious medical condition. In many cases, they refuse to accept what is happening to them. They go into a state of denial, only to be confronted by the reality in due course. The same is true with regard to many problems at work. An initial reaction can be to deny them and trust they will go away of their own accord. The other approach is to recognize a problem as soon as possible and act to resolve it.

      Denial is a state of mind where people prefer not to face the reality, and they ignore the evidence. In effect, it is a non-problem solving response, although it may reflect itself in other behaviours. As an example, by over-compensating in other areas such as drinking and spending to excess, or other forms of avoidance of the main issue. Recognition involves establishing a rational approach to what can be a major emotional concern.

      It will involve the five major skills to:

      • Enquire about the issues to gain understanding

      • Diagnose the problem and to explain

      • Summarize the facts and feelings

      • Propose some options for evaluation

      • Coordinate the required action of implementation

    • Frank Whittle

      Do not be deterred if people at first ignore or reject your efforts. For example, Frank Whittle proposed that planes could fly faster if they had engines with jet propulsion. His ideas were denied by the British Government of the time. However, he continued with his research and proved the effectiveness of the jet engine. Only then was his revolutionary approach recognized in a belated fashion, by those who had previously denied that it would work. It gave him much pleasure to present his work saying,

      “Gentlemen, I give you the Whittle engine” – Frank Whittle.

    • Applications

      In the context of your work, observe your own approach and that of others. Where can you see indications of denial and recognition amongst colleagues and clients? What can you do about it?

      Use the five key skills and assess how you and your team deal with recognizing the issues and work on the factors where there are obvious weaknesses.

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