Psychology Applications - CPS For Achievers

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Facts and Feelings

    • (Reasons and Emotions) In all discussions and decisions there are a mixture of facts and feelings. The facts should represent hard evidence based on sound systems for collecting and analyzing data. For example, it is important that accountants and engineers research the facts and provide clear information. However, even in those presentations there will be some element of feelings, based often on the assumptions made in the first place. In some meetings though, it is the feelings which lead the way. For example, when people meet to discuss equal opportunity, policies, client relations or training methods. Feelings can be very important in such meetings, particularly where values and principles are being discussed.

    • Thomas Barnardo

      How do you make decisions? For most people, it is based on a mixture of their principles linked to the evidence. Thomas Barnardo, who founded Barnardo's Homes for children in need of care and protection, is a very good example. He originally intended to be a Christian missionary in China. However, while in London, he saw many destitute and orphaned children. They were starving and living in derelict buildings.

      He therefore, changed his direction and founded the Barnardo's Homes. In doing so, he was guided by both his feelings and the facts that surrounded him. In this avatar video, you will gain an understanding of how he came to this decision, based on being faced with the facts that were laid out before him. Also, discover how his feelings led the way.

    • Applications

      In all assignments, assess where the strengths and weaknesses are by using this model.

      It is important to have strengths in all areas:

      • What are the facts on the problems?
      • What are the feelings about the problems that people have?
      • What are the facts supporting the proposed solutions?
      • What are the feelings about the solutions?

      Use the above as a checklist to guide your action.

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