Psychology Applications - CPS For Achievers

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The Three E’s

Each of the factors of this module are presented in an easy to follow process.  The Three E’s provide you with a formula that you can follow so that you can implement various solutions as you work through issues that arise.  In each of the areas, you will be introduced to:-


We will introduce you to the skills required to be effective at both the technical and people management issues at work.  You will find herein, the sharp thinking problem solving skills to go with your practical and business knowledge and experience.  CPS assists in continuing professional career development, and can be applied every day at work. It is especially valuable for use in work based action learning and teamwork. 


We can learn a great deal from people who developed their talents and abilities. They provide practical examples of how to succeed, by recognizing and managing your opportunities. If you do those two things well, you will see an improvement in your rate of success.  We will provide examples from amazing exemplars that illustrate key factors.


We provide some short overviews, so that you can test the applications.  Wherever possible, you should take action and present what you have learnt.



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