Psychology Applications - CPS For Achievers

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Overview of the Factors

Amazing writers like Charles Dickens, Emily Bronte and Leo Tolstoy brought to life personal challenges and dilemmas though their graphic description of the characters in their novels. In your life and work, you will also meet interesting and challenging people. How well you can relate and work with them will depend substantially on your ability to undertand their psychogical minds sets and your own.

Therefore, the psychology factors in this resource provide valuable insights to support your communication and problem solving skills. They will help you assess problems and develop solutions, at both the personal as well as technical issues.

The factors listed are not in any order of priority. Implicit in these are areas related to finance, marketing, and other aspects of professional work. Each of the factors are set within the Margerison CPS Model, that focuses on key topics essential in any communication and problem solving work. 

These are:-

All of the factors are presented with key concepts at the centre of a work diamond such as:-


Each of these factors is comprised of THREE components, that we call the THREE E’S.  These are outlined in the next page.

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