Psychology Applications - CPS For Achievers

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Questions and Statements

    • Whenever one contributes to a discussion, we are either asking a question or making a statement, or maybe both. Perhaps it is expected that we should offer our opinion and make statements, especially of facts. However, it is equally powerful to ask questions, particularly if they foster a discussion on the issues. As a key factor in business conversation, it is important to know when to make a request via a question, and when to contribute your opinion on facts or feelings. Otherwise, as many wise judges have said, “it is better to remain silent”.

    • Theodore Roosevelt

      Every day, we hear people giving their opinions on various subjects. It is the job of a leader to hear what people say, and to sift out the views that are relevant and supported by evidence. Therefore, meetings can be more important than statements. In that way, a leader can discover what other people are thinking. A good example of this is Theodore Roosevelt, who was a man of strong opinions. Equally, he had the ability to pose important questions to those around him to acquire facts and evidence. As a result, he gained the support of a wide number of people that led to major changes in the USA.


      "People ask the difference between a leader and a boss. The leader leads, and the boss drives"

      Theodore Roosevelt.

    • Applications

      Ask people how they see their approach to questions and statements, and link this to the way they deal with evidence and opinions. Also, encourage people to assess their contributions and using the following, will help.

      Ask people how they rate their strengths in each quadrant by indicating low, average, high and very high.

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