Psychology Applications - CPS For Achievers

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Other CPS Application Areas

You can improve your approach to Communication and Problem Solving (CPS), in the following four major areas that have been shown to be vital in all professional roles.  Used in conjunction with the Margerison CPS Model,  these provide guide points for discussions based on the core model.  Such actions encourage everyone to move problem understanding to solution development, via discussions and decisions, where there is respect for evidence and opinion.  The test is in the applications as you take action and learn en route:-


Strategy – To be able to chart the direction at both the personal and organization levels, and to achieve objectives in effective and efficient ways.

Research - To gain information through solid research, that provides facts and support for sound judgements and effective decisions.

Organization - To organize yourself and others, in order to achieve objectives, through clear plans and systems.

Psychology - To engage in continual self-development, that advances the range of skills required to meet the challenges in a fast-paced environment.

Each of the above four areas is comprised of various factors that determine successful communication and problem solving. To access these additional application areas, please visit 

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