Psychology Applications - CPS For Achievers

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Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction

    • All problem solving leads to various levels of satisfaction, and with it comes good feelings or bad feelings. If you feel that your concerns have been understood and considered, you are more likely to feel better about the process than if your concerns have not been addressed. However, there are occasions when you have bad feelings about the problem solving process and the results.

      In managing problem solving, it is almost impossible to satisfy everyone with the results, as there will be winners and losers. However, you can, with good management, go a long way to satisfy people with the process. To do this, you need to look at ways of involving people and understanding their needs.

    • Helena Rubinstein

      Each day, we feel happy or sad, depending upon various things, but particularly our experiences. A good example is the life of Helena Rubinstein. She made a multi-million dollar fortune from the development and sale of cosmetics. Her father wanted her to marry a rich man, who was twice her age. In protest, she refused and ran away from home. Being independent, she decided to develop a life that would satisfy her, rather than comply with the wishes of her parents. Helena Rubinstein's aim therefore, was to help women become more self-satisfied through using her products to look their best.

      "It is important to contemplate to what extent you are satisfied or dissatisfied, and consider what it is you need to do in order to gain more satisfaction"

      You can hear more about the process in this audio.


    • Applications

      Think of meetings that you have attended recently, and rate your level of satisfaction and dissatisfaction with the process and the results. What can you do to influence the way things go in subsequent meetings?


      One approach is to encourage those who are leading the meetings to discuss the CPS model and to gain feedback where they can review with you, what they can do to improve satisfaction levels.

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