Psychology Applications - CPS For Achievers

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Interest and Involvement

    • Successful communication and problem solving depends on more than technical skill. It requires the interest and involvement of team members. This is particularly so when skilled people have a choice of where they work, and indeed, when they want to work.

      Therefore, different kinds of working arrangements have been developed that enable people to raise their level of interest and involvement. The important thing is to encourage people who have different work interests to work together. A key aspect of this are the five major communication and problem solving skills, as they are required in every type of work, regardless of people’s interests.

    • Maria Montessori

      People become more motivated when they have an interest and an involvement in the tasks they are asked to perform. Maria Montessori, who was a medical doctor, noted this, in particular with regard to the patients she was treating. She applied these principles to helping children.

      Maria developed new methods of learning based on involving the children in practical, problem solving lessons and exercises. As their interest increased, so did their learning. In the following article, we make reference to her amazing methods. Please click on the heading to access.

    • Applications

      Therefore, what is your current level of interest and involvement in the work you do and how does that affect your performance? You can use the CPS Model on these issues by asking key questions to conduct an enquiry and gain a diagnosis, as the basis for developing and implementing solutions.

      By understanding, explaining and evaluating your own level of interest and involvement, you can plan how to develop your career in a positive way, where you take control. You can also use the process in consultation with colleagues and family. They can assess their levels of interest and involvement, and plan changes where required, so that they make the best of their talents and ability.

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